Living for Christ

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year New Hope

Well it's already January 2, 2006. It's hard to believe we are already six years into this 21st century. Remember Y2K and the buzz back when many thought the computers would crash when the year 2000 came around? SO many stocked up with food and water and emergency supplies. I didn't. My husband and I along with some friends went out and celebrated. We knew God would take care of everything. He always does.

So, a new year, a new hope. What will the year 2006 bring to us? What will we learn? What will we go thru? Who will we lose? It's probably a good thing the Lord doesn't show us the future. I'm conviced we couldn't handle it, but that's ok. He knows what we need and when.

I have made a New Year's resolution. Actually, I'm a little ashamed to admit it is one I have made before - and broke. But I resolve to try again. My desire is to read thru the Bible in a year. I have read lots of the Bible before and I've read thru the New Testament many times, but I've never read thru the whole thing. The devotional I use (In touch by Charles Stanley) has a schedule to use each day to read thru the Bible in a year so my plan is to follow that schedule.

Today I got started and read thru the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Ok, I admit the geneology part does not excite me too much - but never the less, there is much in those 11 chapters to learn and ponder. God created the heavens, the earth, the sky the water. He made light and darkness, plants and animals, stars and planets. He created man and then he created woman to be his helpmate. Right from the start, man screwed up and desired to go his own way, instead of listening to his creator. His desire to do it his own way lead to murder and so much wickedness that God was sorry he had created man at all. When I look at my own life, I have to admit I have given Him many reasons to feel the same way. But because God is love, he fixed what we could not. He continues to love us and desire an intimate relationship with each and every one of us - despite our past.

That is why I desire to read my Bible, from cover to cover, this year. I don't ever want to stop learning about my God. I know I can only learn, when I listen and when I trust. And reading how He has worked in the lives of others since the beginning of time, is a great way to learn and trust. May each of you do the same.

Father, give me a never dieing hunger to know you more and more. Show me how to live what I learn and how to share what I know. Thank you for a new year full of hope and possibilities. Through my Lord and Savior, Jesus, I pray - Amen.


  • At 10:47 AM, Blogger Clandestine said…

    Happy New Year, Jojo!

    I think about you often and hope you are well.

  • At 5:12 PM, Blogger steve said…

    God Bless!

    Happy New Year!

  • At 5:29 PM, Blogger Jim Jordan said…

    Happy Fairly New Year, Jojo.
    I like this quote. "But because God is love, he fixed what we could not." That's the essence of the Word right there.
    By the way, since the Dolphins didn't make it into the playoffs, I'll be routing for the Colts.
    God bless,

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger Jojo said…

    Hey Jim,
    Long time no talk. So good to hear from you. And I am so glad to hear you are cheering for my Colts now. My next post is about them and I'm sure it will give you even more reason to cheer! :)

  • At 10:46 PM, Blogger Obed said…

    Thank you for the motivation to read my bible through in a year again. Good luck.

  • At 7:02 AM, Blogger Jojo said…

    Hi Jamison and welcome to my blog. I'm actually doing fairly well with my reading thru Genesis right now. There are days I get behind, but I get caught up eventually. :)

    I think the thing that has surprised me the most is the amount of sin and perversion back so long ago. Seems the terrible things that happen now, happened then too.

    Come back anytime and let me know how you are doing with your journey thru the Bible.


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