Living for Christ

Friday, November 11, 2005

Smiles from Heaven

Well I am totally exhausted, but I really wanted to take a minute to share about the visitation tonight.

God is just so good. I was really anxious to see Kristin and what she would look like. One of the things that always bothered me, was that she could never close her mouth. Because of the damage from birth and the fact that she couldn't swallow or use her mouth, it just never formed right. It always hung open and her poor little mouth was so awful looking with swollen huge gums and nasty teeth etc. When I would kiss her, I always had to kiss one little lip at a time. And of course her smiles didn't look like we would think of a smile. But they were so precious and uplifting to us.

The funeral home called us Wednesday after they got her there. They said they needed to do a procedure to close her mouth - so they needed us to come sign a paper, giving our permission. I was so relieved because I always wanted to see her with her mouth closed. But I have to admit I was a little nervous about how she would look. I knew it would be so different.

When we got there today and went in, it was a beautiful sight. The room was such a perfect setting for her, with so many special treasures our family and friends had sent. But the best part was seeing her, for the first time, more like she would have looked. She looked so big and grown up.

Mothers love to dress their little girls up and I'm no exception. Little girl clothes and accessories are so fun to shop for. But I could never fully enjoy that because there were so many things she could not wear. We had to pick out things that didn't cover her trach and didn't interfere with her feeding tube or diapers. And with the styles today, that is no easy task. The little girls clothes are molded from the women's clothes. Showing the midriff doesn't work well with feeding tubes and diapers. :)

But our last shopping trip for her was different from the rest. I was looking for something to hide her tracheotomy this time. Her bright pink, crew neck sweater and button up blouse made her look so grown up. And for the very first time, she got to wear big girl panties. No more diapers! It was awesome. Her hair was all curled and the top pulled back with a big pink bow. Of course, they had to put quite a bit of make-up on her, and it made her look so grown up. She just looked like a precious doll. She was truely beautiful.

But the most special thing was a gift from God. When I would turn to look at her with someone who came up to the casket, I could see her smile. The first time it happened, I had to blink because I couldn't believe my eyes. But it continued to happen all night long. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so real and alive. As we would talk about her being in heaven with Jesus and I would see that smile, I knew it was a confirmation. It was as if she were saying, "Oh Mommy, I'm so happy here. Just like you always wanted me to be."

I just know that she has been running and skipping and singing and hopping, and every so often, she runs into Jesus' arms and gives Him a hug. Then she's back off playing some more. God is so good. We could definitely feel the power of prayer tonight. I just can't express it in words, but we felt so much strength and love from all the people that came and all the hugs we got. Just know that God is at work and He is answering all those prayers. We just really feel blessed.


  • At 11:38 PM, Blogger mamalicious said…

    Jo Jo, I know seeing your little girl tonight must have been a very special gift. Your peace is such an inspiration. Still thinking of you...

  • At 6:08 AM, Blogger Queen on the run said…

    Sent here by Rebekah, I have been reading around your blog a bit. I am sorry to read about your loss, I know you are greatful that your daughter is with Jesus. Your strength and insight are amazing. And now Kristin is in heaven with God and Jesus and your friend Paul, and little Maggie and so very many other precious angels.
    ((((((hugs)))))) And God bless you.

  • At 12:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You inspire me. I've followed you from Rebekah's blog. I read for the first time earlier this week. Your family has been in my thoughts & prayers. We have a prayer meeting every friday night in our home, and we covered you all last night.

    Reading your blog, seeing your peace, knowing you Love the Lord and trust that Your daughter is playing with Him. It's so comforting to my heart.

    My flesh does not mourn for Kristin, but for you & your loss. It is so reassuring to me that, while I know you're missing her, you KNOW that you will see her again!

    Many blessings,

  • At 1:18 AM, Blogger Clandestine said…

    Jojo, you've been in my thoughts every second.

    I hope you find some time to get some rest.

    Take care.


  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger steve said…

    MUch Love JoJo

    My tears right now are happy ones that dont need words. Thank you for the beautiful picture in my head. Thank you for showing me God today

    I have to say this right now also (i cant believe this) my word verification for this comment is

    mgdsgood (my Gods good)

  • At 12:51 AM, Blogger Ashley Reagan said…

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I found your blog through someone's comment on I'll be praying for you. May God bless you all.

    Ashley Reagan
    Bixby, Oklahoma

  • At 8:34 AM, Blogger Valerie said…

    I am here from Rebekah's blog. Please know that even though I am a total stranger to you and your family, your story has touched me profoundly. I shall keep all of you in my prayers.

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    I'm very sorry about Kristin. I found your blog for the first time today, and reading your perspectives is a gift.

    God bless you and your family.

  • At 8:38 PM, Blogger bookwormaddict said…

    Dear JoJo,
    This post has to be so amazingly beautiful. I could picture all that you described with picking out just the right outfit for Kristin's memorial serivce. WOW. Now my nose is dripping and I'm a mess, but I'm smiling inside. Have you ever thougth of writing a book about Kristin?
    Thanks so much again for writing wtih such beauty.

  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger Katie said…

    I couldn't comment the first time I read this because my heart both ached and rejoiced for you at the same time.

    Thank you for your words, the depth of your love, and the immense faith that you show daily here.


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