Living for Christ

Monday, September 11, 2006

I Love Football!

Well we had a full and fun weekend. I am once again enjoying my son's high school football season. He is a Junior at a 1A small school. It doesn't seem possible that he could only have two years of high school left! He plays wide-receiver and is the holder for the kicker. He plays some defense too - same position on the field as wide receiver on offense, but I forget what that's called. Anyway, they are having a pretty good season so far. They won their first game 62-18 and their second 69-14. They got stomped the 3rd game 55-0. We actually scored twice but penalties cancelled out our scores. Our local newspaper have three guys who predict all the local game winners and all three chose us to lose this week. (which really ticked me off!!) But we showed them, we won 41-7.:)

On a sad note, one of our best athletes, and a good friend of my son's, broke both bones in his lower leg, on the first play of the game. His name is Tanner. Please keep him in your prayers for a full recovery that allows him to compete in the Spring Track season and his senior year of football. He's a great kid.

I think our boys were motivated by Tanner's misfortune and being chosen to lose, so they played their hearts out. They each signed the game ball and took it to Tanner after the game. That is one of the great things about high school sports. The camaraderie among teamates is priceless.

Sunday, we celebrated the 175th anniversary of our church. We joined our two morning services into one and it was packed! I got to give a testimony of how our church had made an eternal difference in my life. It was good to think back over the years and see how God never gave up on me. He took the seeds that were planted in me as a child and continued to water and care for until they bloomed into a strong faith in Christ. We then had a big picture taken with everyone there. Now that was a trick to get everyone positioned to see all the faces. Then we enjoyed a meal outside under a big tent and time to socialize before returning inside the church for a concert by the Oak Forest Boys. It was a great time.

Then we went over to my ex-husband's house for his daughter's 8th b-day. I am so thankful and blessed that we can be one big family for my son and his sister. It is a rare and great thing!

And the grand finale of my weekend was - Manning vs Manning! I have been looking forward to that game for months. And it ended just as I had hoped - Colts 26 - Giants 21. Our defense didn't look very strong, but hopefully they will be working on that this week. I was pleased with what I saw out of Rhodes and Addai. They both did alright.

Well it was a full and fun weekend. Thank you Lord for all the fun and blessings.


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